Evicting Tenants
Evicting tenants is something Landlords do not like to do as it’s costly and time-consuming. Evicting tenants is usually a last resort when problems arise and there is no solution for the Landlord. There are plenty of reasons why Landlords want to evict Tenants.
This could be because of consistent late rent payments, annoying neighbours, contributing to property disrepair, having loud parties or being a constant nuisance. If the Landlord wants to evict Tenants for these reasons then they can apply for a Section 8 notice. Section 8 Notice is required to activate this.
For a Landlord to evict a Tenant, they must go through a long process which really needs a great deal of expertise to execute correctly. Time and money needs to be spent on filling out forms, gathering evidence and sometimes liaising with the Tenants solicitors.
Anything less than perfection when filling out forms could either delay or disrupt the process

Tenant Eviction
Evicting a Tenant is not the easy option for a Landlord or Letting Agent have to deal with, but in some circumstances, it is the last resort of which the Landlord stresses at the fact that they are not sure what state the property will be in when it is eventually returned by the Tenant..
The cost of the eviction process ranges significantly depending on the level of service required by the landlord. The standard fees for the court are as follows
- £355 – County Court Fee
- £325 – Possession Claims Online Fee
- £ 75 – Bailiffs Fees to write to you with regards to your debt
- £110 – Bailiff Fees for taking and selling your property
- £235 – Bailiff fees for visiting your home (Enforcement)
Should you wish to proceed with an eviction without the help of a reputable firm the following fees will apply
- £120 – Eviction Notice
- £850 – Court Order
- £250 – County Court Bailiff Fee
- £780 – High Court Enforcement Officer
Problem Tenants
Sometimes Tenants are unwilling to move out of a property peacefully, so they’ll use all sorts of excuses or tactics to stop an eviction.
They will also make excuses to change court dates which are frustrating, but patience and good dialogue will never let it get to this point if you have all the correct paperwork in hand.
Landlords should understand that most Tenants have been put in a situation where rent is not affordable anymore. This could be due to a loss of Job in the family, a break up of the family. Sometimes there are other genuine reasons which make it hard for the Tenants to keep up with their monthly payments.
A good Landlord who is understanding and more sympathetic in these situations will usually get their property back hassle-free. The Landlord, if they’re lucky, will receive the property back with no fuss, or damage caused to their property by the tenant/s.
The tenant will usually get a home to live in which they can afford to cause no trouble when they leave, but that’s not always the way. Below we’ve listed some reasons for evictions across the UK which seems to be getting more prevalent as the months and years go by.
Eviction of Tenants
Evicting Tenants is expensive
Eviction Process can be lengthy
Evicting tenants under Section 21a
Eviction for Non-Rent Payment
Evicting Problem Tenants